Château Nottebohm
On a windy day we made a 20min walk deep in the woods, suddenly we spotted Chateau Nottebohm, a spooky castle in Belgium that can come right out of a fairytale. It was built in 1908, the Belle Epoque era, by a rich German family who got famous for their initiatives in skin diseases. The architect combined Neo-Flemish Renaissance, Neo-Classicism and cottage style. The family used the castle as a holiday manor up till 1943. During WWII the castle was inhabited by the German army. After the war the family visited it only very sporadic. In 1950 the castle was rented as a hotel/restaurant. Later it was left to rotten, since 1980 it’s for sale without success. Tim Burton planned to use the castle for a new movie, but he changed his mind as inside the location is dark and rotten…